Our products - Security door units EI30 or EI60

Legal regulations are imposed on certain buildings, in particular PAB (public-access buildings) and high-rise buildings to be equipped with passive and active means to protect users in the event of fire. Some doors can be kept open by a special safety mechanism. During a fire alarm, the mechanism, which is generally an electromagnet that keeps the door open, is released so that the door closes at once.


There are a number of formats to choose from according to needs:

> Single-action security door unit EI 30 with suction cup and door closer
> Single-action security door unit EI 30 with door seal and door closer
> Double-action security door unit EI 30 with floor pivot
> Double-action security door unit double action EI 30 with lintel pivot
> Single-action security door unit EI 60 with suction cup and door closer
> Single-action Security door unit EI 60 with door seal and closer
> Double-action Security door unit double action EI 60 with floor pivot
> Double-action Security door unit double action EI 60 with door pivot
> Double-action Security door unit double action EI 60 with lintel pivot


Suction cups and door closers

Door closers with a compass arm and offset electromagnetic suction cups 24 or 48 Volts by power failure (or by current emission).

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Door seal and closer

Door closer with sliding arm and aluminium seal with 1 or 2 electromagnetic stop modules 24 or 48V by power failure (or by current emission)





> Door closer with sliding arm
> Reinforced suction cups
> Position and safety switch
> Rabbeted panel with closing selector
> Glass panel (contact us for information)
> Suction cup mount

> VCAN (24 or 48 V)

> VE 1000 (24 or 48 V)


> Position and safety switch

> Door seal by current emission with or without position switch
> Glass panel (contact us for information)
> EFF 351 (24 or 48 V)

> VE 6000 (24 or 48 V)



Paris Portes

Manufacturer of bespoke doors and technical door units

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